Sunday, April 12, 2009

mulligans especially birthday mulligans

Mulligans are obviously strictly prohibited in the professional leagues of golf. But who's a professional here? Not me. And this wasn't golf, it was the sh*t-show that was my birthday "celebration". First of all, thank you to Dieter and friends for having a sweet gathering for me. I'm going to go with "gathering" because it definitely wasn't any kind of normal party. I'd rather not get into specifics, but between one of the producers of the show "Bridezilla" on A&E, trying to kick me out of my own party, and leaving probably in the ball park of  12 drunk messages over the course of the night on girls answering machines that are way hotter than me, last night sucked. Looking back on it, probably more funny today than last night, when I was watching a 260 lb man try to finger my friend on a dance floor. Not very gentleman worthy content, but there wasn't anything worthy of much on the night of april 10th 2009. It was like when you watch the scene in Titanic where it hits the iceberg. The entire sequence your clinching to your pillow or scotch glass hoping, yearning, that this time, the 5th time you've seen it, that the ship will miss the iceberg and they will just make it to New York. Except, the Titanic really does hit the iceberg and everyone dies, except Kate Winslet I think, I haven't seen it since 5th grade so this may have been a shitty parallel to integrate. Anyways, I'm done with this. Stay tuned for the birthday celebration I haven't had yet.

Stay updated on all current club rules gents.
(including the non-permitted attire of open toed shoes, on a guy.)

J.E. Albert