It is said in Hollywood that all an aspiring star needs is that one big break to go from nobody to somebody. As of late, the world has had the privilege to see two men climb out of the shit- hole lifestyle that one lives on the road to the top to becoming the men to be in Hollywood. What fascinates me is all it took, for either one of them, was one big movie. A few months ago, If I were to ask you who Chris Pine or Robert Pattinson were you would probably cock your head to the side and look at me blankly. Today if I were to you ask that question, it would probably make every women in earshot scream out in infatuation. Then, you would almost certainly be able to go on and on about Twilight and how great J.J. Abrams recreation of Star Trek and Captain Kirk was. The story of the “Overnight Celebrity” is a common tale in Hollywood. A struggling actor becomes a household name and America Icon in an instant. Now, both of these Gentlemen appear to be inexorable. Pattinson is signed to play Edward Cullen in New Moon, which is the next phase in the popular Twilight saga. The series has opened so many new doors for the 23-year-old actor after being so close to quitting acting for good just under a year ago. After finally having a hit at 28, Pine has the offers rolling in. His next roll has him staring opposite of Hollywood powerhouse Denzel Washington in Unstoppable, a story about a runaway freight train that is on course to wipeout an entire city. Gentlemen, there are times when all of us feel a little lost and a little unsure of where we are headed. That underlying question of whether or not we will ever achieve our goals constantly lingers in the back of our minds. These are examples of young men, just like us, who have achieved what they believed was almost certainly unattainable. If you are willing to bury your head and grind through every obstacle set in front of you, you too can achieve what some will tell you is impossible. You just have to want it bad enough. If you do, then you too could be an overnight celebrity.
Stay focused Gents.
A.M. Bollinger
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