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Think about the past 5 years for a second. What has changed? For business, that last 5 or so years has brought on more revolutionary changes, than nose jobs. From Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Apple Inc. to just name a few- the business society has been revolutionized. All of these started as simple idea from kids in college bored with the typical jobs their peers so constantly complained about. Gents, it is no secret that today’s economy is anything but consistent, but the boost that everyone is looking for does not fall into a half-assed stimulus package written by our ever increasing incompetent government- it falls into our hands. Guys like Mark Zuckerburg, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Steve Jobs who said, “screw you normal job” and decided to do something to not only to better themselves, but to better society while they were in the process. This is the time to start that company you always wanted to, take that risk you normally wouldn’t, and revolutionize the world. As my friend A.M. Bollinger so eloquently put it; "Bury your head and grind away."
Stay Revolutionary Gents.
B.E. Lester
"Bury your head and grind away."
Bollinger is a prophet
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