Wednesday, May 13, 2009

AirBull RedRaces..........What?

Grizz Transport Service

bad ass


see what I mean

I am back from a 3 week break. It mainly consisted of playing golf with my dad, traveling a little bit and trying to keep my mental sanity (which is an on-going effort). I will have more blog content on that later, but first, my coverage of the Red Bull Air Races in San Diego. What do you want to hear first, how nasty the Hyatt's STD Jacuzzi was, or how annoying drunk people under 18 are. When Bollinger calls you with free tickets to the air races, you don't exactly want to refuse them. So naturally I selected the two most outlandish people I know as accomplices; Payam and Grizz. Payam refuses to dress normal or talk quietly pretty much 24/7 and demanded that he be able to wear a rabbit fur jacket that was stolen from a house in San Fransisco. He reminds me of a Binicio del Toro sketch cartoon from Fear and Loathing. But none the less my crew was somewhat coherent and we were on our way to the races. As soon as we got to the event it was 4pm. Not only had the races started at 1pm, but they ended at 5pm. So we watched one plane race and then finished our 60 minute stay with Jack and Cokes in the Lobby of Doug Manchester's Hyatt hotel. I took a couple photos, but this has to be the worst coverage of an event I have ever documented. I have no legitimate information about who raced or what planes were there, but I can tell you that the color of the pool was a dim yellow by the time we left and at least a thousand girls were impregnated by the time we got back home. Planes are pretty bad ass though. Probably thought my first entry back would be a good one? Expectations......

Stay std free gents.

J.E. Albert


Ryan Fontana said...

You're spot-on with the Benecio Del Toro reference...

nice quasi-post.