Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bernie Madoff

Madoff's Manhattan Apartment.

the lipstick building where Madoff's 17th floor operation was run.

his view. what a G

his jet. now this is a private aircraft.

moments after admitting to the courts, the scale of his scheme.

So I find myself researching more information about Madoff. For those of you who don't know who Bernard Madoff is, he is the man responsible for the worlds largest Ponzi Scheme ever. He personally orchestrated a 50 billion dollar scheme that resulted in his demise this past november. He now faces 150 years in prison, but his sentence will be given in June. First of all if you havn't seen the senator Ackerman clip on CNN or C-SPAN, it will change your life (shown Below). 

But I do side with Ackerman on this deal; what the hell is the SEC's function if large unmasked amounts of money were able to be deposited directly into Bernard Madoff's Chase Manhattan Checking account without needing to be accounted for? The jury is still out on that one, but It heightens the intrigue a little bit, when you really study Madoff. He lived the most ridiculous life anyone could possibly imagine. He had to have known that he was going down but he didn't give a rat's ass. He had houses all over the world, Yachts, planes, the best of everything. But every dog has his day. And the dog in this case is certainly Bernard Madoff. I do have to tip my hat to the old bastard for pulling off the most famous scheme of all time. Like Lou Mannheim, from the classic film "Wall Street" said, "Kid, you're on a roll. Enjoy it while it lasts, 'cause it never does." I guess Madoff gambled hard and lost hard. Could I be obsessed with Bernie? 
Stay scheming gents.

J.E. Albert