Tuesday, May 26, 2009

American Gentleman: Albert Reed

Esquire magazine, april (2009)                                      

He can even do the Bridal mags.                                                                       

Reed with George Clooney last year.                                                                 

 I've received a fairly large number of emails, requesting that I do a spotlight on a modern day gentleman. I assume by modern day gentleman you don't mean some dude in a stuffy plaid jacket, but a young, intelligent, sophisticated young man, with an appetite for finer things and breaking only the right rules. I assume you didn't previously realize I had something up my sleeve. I assume you mean Albert Reed. For those of you who don't know who Reed is, he has a modeling portfolio that would ensure access to any female's presence and a track record of humanitarianism dating back to when he was 18. Reed, 24 now, may have been best noted for his appearance on Dancing With the Stars during its 09' season or his 2004 front and back cover on the Abercrombie and Fitch catalog. Granted he didn't win on Dancing With the Stars, but he blows work off at least 7 days a month to go surfing......  how G is that. He models in shoots ranging from Maserati driving sequences to quasi nature scenes, this guy could be the next Bond. He was quoted as saying, "In school, I was that popular outside kid, who stayed close to my few surfer buddies, but was always on good terms with everyone. I just kept my mouth shut and listened. The ocean was my playground. If the surf was sucky, we would either be spear-fishing or wakeboarding. People, the photos speak for themselves. I give this guy full Gentleman Certification.

Stay diversified gents.

J.E. Albert


Jack Archer said...

Albert Reed is a man amongst toddlers and has a resume that basically every true gentleman on this planet would kill to have. I'm stealing a line from this for all online "about me" sections by the way..... just letting you know